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7 Signs You Need Chimney Repairs

June 9, 2023 | 3 min. read

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A chimney is an integral part of your home’s heating system, and regular maintenance is crucial to ensure its functionality and safety.

However, even with proper care, chimneys can develop issues over time. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for chimney repairs is essential for addressing problems before they escalate into major concerns.

This article will discuss the top seven signs that indicate your chimney requires repairs, helping you safeguard your home and family from potential hazards.

7 Common Chimney Problems 

Understanding the common problems that chimneys can develop will help you identify issues early on and seek appropriate repairs. Some of the most frequent chimney problems include:

1. Chimney Cracks and Spalling 

Crack spreading down a brick chimney.

Chimney linings undergo much stress from heat and deposits of flammable substances. Once moisture combines with soot, the chimney’s lining can deteriorate.

When the chimney’s lining is cracked, it must be replaced before using the fireplace again, especially as the lining protects your home from catching fire.

So how do you determine if your lining is in good condition? 

Using a camera to check your fireplace when you notice abnormal debris, chimney rusting, or the chimney’s deteriorating appearance can prevent house fires that begin in your chimney. 

2. Rusted Damper or Firebox

A rusted damper.
Rusted fireplace damper.

A rusted damper or firebox indicates excess moisture in the chimney. If you know the root cause of the water problem has been addressed, you may only need to replace the rusted parts.

If the cause of the rust is unknown, your chimney should be inspected to determine why there’s so much moisture. 

3. Flakes/Shards of Tile or Ceramic in the Fireplace

Broken pieces of chimney in the fireplace.
Debris from a broken chimney in the fireplace.

Flakes or shards of tile or ceramic in the hearth are signs that your flue liner is cracking.

Continuing to use a chimney with a cracking flue liner could easily result in a house fire, as the flue’s purpose is to protect your home from catching fire.

If the flue liner is cracking, you should contact a chimney technician who can assess the extent of the damage so that you know if it needs to be repaired or replaced.

4. Broken or Rusting Chimney Chase Top

Chimneys occasionally have a top pan that seals off the flue and prevents birds and other animals from entering the chimney – otherwise known as the chase top.

If the chase top was installed incorrectly or is made of galvanized metal, water may be collecting in it, causing it to rust and deteriorate.

A broken or rusting chase top is more than just an eyesore. It can allow water into your chimney and home that causes severe damage. Once you notice your chimney chase top is in disrepair – replace it immediately. 

5. Deteriorating Mortar Joints

Deteriorating mortar on a brick chimney.
Deteriorating mortar on a brick chimney.

As you inspect the chimney crown, look at the mortar joints along the top. If these joints are deteriorating, it’s a sign the water is seeping into the chimney masonry and beginning to cause structural damage.

Have a professional repair the mortar joints to prevent more damage. If left untreated, your chimney could eventually collapse.

6. Damaged Chimney Flashing

Damaged chimney flashing.
Damaged and messy chimney flashing.

Flashing is the seal between the chimney and the roof, preventing water from entering your home.

As the flashing ages, it can rust, or you may see holes. This results in leaks and moisture-related issues.

A roofing contractor can easily replace flashing. Contact a local contractor today to get repair estimates.

7. Stained Ceiling or Walls

Water stains and damage on the ceiling.
Water stains on the ceiling.

The most significant sign too much water is being absorbed by your chimney is staining on the ceiling or walls surrounding it.

Unfortunately, this means excessive moisture in the chimney is already beginning to spread to the rest of your home. When you call a professional, they will determine why so much moisture is getting into the chimney and the extent of the damage.

The earlier this is caught, the more likely you can fix the problem before the moisture ruins your ceiling, walls, and floors.

Repairing Your Chimney

If you notice your chimney is cracking, rusting, or enduring other damage it’s crucial to repair it ASAP. Leaving any of the seven issues untreated can result in costly moisture damage to your home, or, in severe cases, chimney collapse.

If you’re looking for a reputable contractor, read “The Top 8 Questions to Ask A Roofing Contractor” and “4 Reasons You Should Get Multiple Roofing Quotes.”

Are you ready to get started with chimney repairs in Southeastern Wisconsin? Contact Rescue My Roof today to get a free estimate.