Solid vs. Vented Soffit (Pricing, How to Choose, & More)
Choosing roofing accessories is difficult enough without all of the roofing jargon.
Soffit? Fascia? Flashings? You’ve probably never heard of them. But they are vital parts of your roofing system that protect your home from leaks.
So, how do you overcome your lack of roofing vocabulary to choose the right soffit material for your home? That’s where we come in.
Rescue My Roof has been a leading educator in the roofing industry for over a decade, helping homeowners to overcome obstacles in the roofing process to achieve their dream homes.
We’ll break down the highs and lows of the two types of soffit – solid and hollow – so when the time is right, you know which material to choose.
Ultimately, you’ll have enough knowledge to pick soffit like a boss.
What Are The Two Types of Soffit?
The soffit is the board tucked underneath your fascia. When you look at a home from the street, you can only see the outward-facing fascia.
When you move closer to see under the roof’s ledge, you’ll be able to see the hidden soffit board. It’s connected to the fascia at an angle and reaches across the home’s exterior.
You won’t just find a “run-of-the-mill” soffit used on every home. Homeowners have a choice of two types of fascia they can buy for their roofs.
Here are the options:
1. Solid Soffit

Solid soffit is typically made of plywood, aluminum, or vinyl, and it can come in various widths and designs.
The main difference between solid soffit vs. vented is that solid soffit lacks the holes or screens that also airflow to the roof.
Some roof structures do not require airflow from the soffits and instead have ventilation from vented gables or attics. If a home does not need additional vents, homeowners may opt for solid soffit.
Solid soffit is typically easier to install, as it’s nailed into the structure’s rafters, making it sturdier. When strong winds blow in, you can rest easy knowing your soffit is secure.
2. Vented Soffit

Vented soffit has holes that allow air to flow into the attic space, cooling the attic in the summer or warming it in the winter.
Like solid soffit, vented soffit can be made out of plywood, vinyl, or aluminum. There are also different sizes and shapes of ventilation holes that can be cut into the material to fit your home’s needs.
How Much is Solid Soffit vs. Vented?
Both solid and vented soffits cost approximately the same at $3-4 per foot. However, prices will vary depending on what material you get.
You can expect to spend $28 per 4×8 sheet for wooden soffit. You will have to cut the sheet down to the width you need.
Metal soffit will cost around $28 for a 12 ft. piece.
If you want hidden vent wood or metal soffit, it will add $4-5/piece more than the standard materials.
If you want to get the soffit and fascia replaced simultaneously, you can find pricing here.
How to Determine the Right Soffit

Now that you know your soffit options and their price points, it’s time to determine which one is the right fit for your home.
When deciding on a soffit material and style, here are some things to consider:
- What climate do you live in? Harsher climates with rain and snow can deteriorate wooden soffit faster and need more maintenance.
- Is your roof accessible? Homes with multiple stories, landscaping, or a steep roof can be more difficult for roofers to access. It’s best to choose a soffit material – like metal – that doesn’t require maintenance or frequent repairs.
- Do you need additional ventilation? If your roof ventilation needs a boost, you’ll need to budget to get the vented soffit to meet your home’s needs.
By answering these questions, you’ll gain insight into which soffit will be the best for your home. Then, all that’s left is finding the right contractor.
Finding the Best Soffit and Fascia Contractor
When you replace a part of your roof, you never want to replace it again. While getting the best materials is a part of the equation, finding the right contractor is essential.
Are you looking for the best contractor in the Milwaukee Area? Read “The Top 5 Soffit and Fascia Companies in Milwaukee” and “The Top 8 Questions to Ask A Roofing Contractor.”
And, as always, Rescue My Roof is ready to serve. You can contact us today to get a free estimate.